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Aussie Gems Dance, Gymnastics and Cheerleading aims to ensure that children and young people have a positive and secure experience. We are committed to promoting the health, safety and wellbeing of all children and young people of all backgrounds, abilities and genders. We believe every child has the right to feel safe and supported, and we take our responsibility seriously to protect the children and young people we serve. All coaches and relevant staff are required to hold a Working with Children Check.

Our Commitment to Child Safety

  1. Safe Environment
    We strive to provide a physically and emotionally safe environment that protects children from harm. This includes regular assessment and improvement of our facilities, equipment, and interactions.

  2. Respect and Dignity
    We treat all children with respect and dignity, acknowledging their rights and empowering them to have a voice in matters affecting them.

  3. Staff Training
    All team members are required to complete child safety training, ensuring they understand their responsibilities in identifying, reporting, and preventing child abuse and neglect. Regular training is provided to keep staff informed of current best practices.

  4. Child Protection Policies
    We have robust policies and procedures in place for the reporting of any concerns related to child safety and wellbeing. Any allegations or suspicions of harm are handled promptly and sensitively, in line with our commitment to uphold children's rights and protect their welfare.

  5. Clear Communication
    We maintain open lines of communication with children, families, and the community. We encourage feedback and offer children and families channels to express concerns or make suggestions.

The Child Safe Standards  provide a framework for making organisations safer for children. They have been accepted by the NSW Government and the Child Safe Scheme requires certain child-related organisations to apply them. Based on extensive research and consultation, the Standards provide tangible guidance for organisations to create cultures, adopt strategies and act to put the interests of children first, to keep them safe from harm. 

Child Safe Statement

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